Friday, June 11, 2010

Do a Barrel Roll!!!

There are a few things you learn when you sit down and really play Starfox 64 for thirty strait minutes.

1. This game is short and can almost be beaten in that short amount of time.

2. Somebody somewhere got fired for adding an underwater level that had no business being in this game. This isn't "Marinefox" and I'm not playing to save the universe from a rabid killer oyster.

3. Circa 1997 Nintendo if you wanted a female character in a game you just take an existing one and make them, and everything associated with them, pink. Pink indicates girl and girl indicates pink. Got that? Good.

4. Rumble is the greatest invention Nintendo had until the Wii remote.

First things first, lets talk about the length. The game does have "branching" levels that give enough variety for at least a couple of play throughs. I say branching in quotes because you only really have a choice of what boss battle you fly to in a level and then after you end up on an alternate path that gives you access to a different set of levels to progress thorough the game. It really takes only about three times though to experience all the levels. In the 30 minutes played, I was able to progress to the end of the game and beat it. For seasoned folks it will really only take a few hours to see everything Starfox 64 has to offer.

Just because it's short, doesn't mean it's not fun. Starfox 64 has one thing going for it that many games seem to lack, being fun. The game is downright still just a blast to play. I didn't once regret playing for my thirty minutes and really want to play some more. It was still just as fun playing it now as it was 13 years ago when it first came out. Then it was something revolutionary as you could finally feel what was happening in the game with the included rumble pack. Now, we really take for granted rumble, but back then, it was something to marvel.

Pros: Still fun
Multiple Paths
Cons: Graphics and Art don't hold up too well to age
Can be beaten in one sitting

Would I play again: Absolutely.

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