Friday, June 11, 2010

So here's the plan...

My name is Brian. I'm married. I like cats. In fact, I have 5 cats currently and have acquired them over the course of the last two years. Their names are as follows:

Sega - He wins at life.

Atari - She could care less.

Neo-Geo - Gee, I wonder what he is named after.

NES - Are you starting to notice a pattern here?

Lynx - He's the newest edition to the bunch.

In case you didn't notice, all these cats are named after one thing, video game systems, and that brings us to my other eccentricity: video game collecting.

I currently have a collection totaling over 1500 separate console games. I also own quite a few in arcade form (those number in the hundreds). Since there is obviously no way for me to play all of those in a timely fashion, I have decided to take them one by one and play them for a solid 30 minutes. After that thirty minutes, I will decide to myself if they are worth playing more or not. Since I'm doing it anyway, I might as well write my thoughts down for others just in case you happen to want to know what's worth playing and what isn't.

A few words of warning:
I own everything from Atari 2600 games that were made before I was born to every current system so don't expect there to be a review on every new game out there.

I would like to take the time to apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes as I am no Shakespeare.

Also, I believe I am required to let you know that I do work for Best Buy but that these "reviews" in no way are the opinion of the company and that I am not doing any of this for them.

Lastly, I may go on a tangent here or there, but generally those are reserved for either very, very good games, or horrible pieces of crap that make me want to gouge my eyes out with ice picks.


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